Context and challenges in engaging scientists in science communication: Case study from Thailand

Context and challenges in engaging scientists in science communication: Case study from Thailand

Author: Ganigar Chen – National Science Museum, Thailand

Within the ecosystem of science communication, scientists definitely play an important role in the equation. However, due to the nature of work, involving scientists in public science communication is still a common challenge. Communication of scientific knowledge and research information is often conducted by educators, public relations officers and media with limited input from scientists which results in only a broad information with few interesting or specific information which could be provided very well by researchers. Direct learning and sharing knowledge with scientists is also necessary in giving the public an opportunity to connect to real story and real people which would provide inspiration and understanding of the way science and technology has been developed. Science communication in Thailand is no exception to this situation, survey result reveals a number of reasons scientists do not play as much role in science communication, which should lead to a thought on how we can facilitate the scientists’ involvement and at the same time ensure that they can maintain balance of research work and public contribution. This session will share various ways scientists can be involved in science communication and will discuss the findings of each approach from the perspective of scientists and from the perspective of the audience.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual talk
Theme: Science
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices