About the PCST Network

The PCST Network seeks to promote new ideas, methods, intellectual and practical questions, and perspectives on the communication of science and technology.

Specifically, it aims to:

  • improve the theoretical understanding of science communication by providing a forum to consider the latest developments
  • improve the practice of science communication by providing a forum to consider strategies and methods
  • promote an exchange between practitioners and theoreticians, to improve both the study and practice of science communication.

Our members

Members of the PCST Network come from a range of backgrounds:

  • Researchers working on the theory and practice of science communication
  • Communication staff working for research organisations
  • Staff at science centres and museums
  • Science journalists
  • Students on the ethics and philosophy of science and the public
  • Writers and editors of scientific material
  • Web designers
  • Scientists who communicate with the public
  • Visual and performing artists working on science themes.

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee, responsible for managing the PCST Network, is elected by members of the Network every two years – at the general meeting held at the bi-annual PCST Conference.

Become a member

We invite people from round the world to our join our science communication network. Whether you are new to the field or an experienced professional, you are welcome.

Find out more and join us

Join the discussion

The discussion list is free for everyone to join and has an international audience of over 2000 subscribers.

Find out more and subscribe

PCST Conferences take place every two years, bringing together practitioners, educators and researchers in the diverse and growing field of science communication. They include elements of academic and professional conferences, including presentation of research, reflections on practice, and practical workshops and demonstrations.

The PCST Network also organises symposia. They have a different focus to the conferences, with a focus on a single issue or a particular region. View our past and upcoming Symposia.

The PCST Network runs a series of online webinars to capture important international perspectives on science communication. These webinars are recorded and available to PCST Network members.

Many of our recorded webinars are posted on the PCST Network YouTube Channel.


The Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST Network) is an organisation that promotes discussion on the theory and practice of communicating science, and of public discourses about science and technology and their role in society.

Email: admin@pcst.network
Web: www.pcst.network

Incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Registered number AO5352.

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PCST is the an active and influential international academic and professional organisation in the field of science communication.

Become a member

Our email discussion list is free for everyone to join and has an international audience of over 2000 subscribers.

Join the discussion list

PCST Network has co-operation agreements with the following international organisations:

European Science Engagement Association

International Environmental Communication Association

Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularisation of Science and Technology