Applying hands-on activities as introduction to science and technology related occupations in enjoy science careers exhibition

Author: Kedwadee Atchawisit – National Science Museum, Thailand

Edwadee Atchawisit – National Science Museum Thailand
Ganigar Chen – National Science Museum Thailand

In the present, the number of recent graduates in the science-related field is decreasing in Thailand as demand increases to lead the nation to ‘Thailand 4.0’. The Enjoy Science Careers exhibition was developed to encourage youths to acknowledge the importance of science and technology. It also serves as an inspiration for high school students who are deciding on their future career path.

The exhibition was designed as a travelling display that across different regions of Thailand. In contrast to a general presentation of various occupations, examples of work or skill connected to the occupations are found as hands-on activities. Visitors learned by engaging with tools or taking on the career role. From the investigation, with a significant difference p=0.05 after engagement with the exhibition, participants obtained positive attitude on science as they agreed on the importance of science in developing the country and that it is possible for science to be made apparent. As for occupation decision, prior and after participating in the activities showed no differences as significant. However, visitors strongly agreed that happiness and enjoyment of learning science affect a decision on a career path in the future. This result indicated that contentment in learning science from the exhibition might be a primary factor in choosing science-related careers. Early responses from a survey of visitors revealed that over 80% of participants enjoyed hands-on activities in Enjoy Science Careers Exhibition. Many reports that the exhibition is one of the tools can enhance inspiration, curiosity and a better understanding of science and technology related careers.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual talk
Theme: Stories
Area of interest: Applying science communication research to practice