Constructing an Integrated Evaluation Index System for Science Centers in China

Constructing an Integrated Evaluation Index System for Science Centers in China

Author: Xiang Li – National Acedemy of Innovation Strategy, CAST, China


  • Xuan Liu – National Academy of Innovation Strategy, CAST, China
  • Xin Qi – China Science and Technology Museum, China
  • Fujun Ren – National Academy of Innovation Strategy, CAST, China
  • Liyuan Zhang – Peking University, China

As a key function of museums of science, technology and industry, improving the public’s understanding of science (PUS) have been paid increasingly more attention by scholars around the world. In recent years, a global phenomenon in this field is that science museums have been science-centerizing obviously, including thousands of new constructed science centers and transformation from traditional science and technology museums to science centers. Numerous of science centers have been building in countries like China and Brazil, which without a profound history of museum construction. It not only helped to improve public’s science literacy, but also challenged the traditional method of museum evaluation.

By analyzing the museum evaluation modes in UK, US, Japan, etc., this study concluded universality of assessment of museum and similar institutions. Simultaneously, the situation and policies of assessment of public service units such as library, cultural center and exhibition hall in China were also collected and analyzed. Furthermore, an integrated evaluation index system for science centers in China was built to examine the effect of their role in public understanding of science, which will mainly focus on museums’ self-assessment and visitors’ satisfaction. The evaluation index system is aiming at a classification of science centers in China. A preliminary investigation at national level will be conducted in China in early 2020 to examine the brand-new evaluation system, and the primary results will be presenting in the conference.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual presentation
Theme: Time


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