ImproSciComm – the art of (science) communication is improvisation
Author: Susanne Hecker – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany
Are you wondering how to bring your ideas across to your audience? Do you have the feeling that your vis-à-vis does not get your ideas quite as you’d like it? You even think you are a science nerd and can’t connect with the outer world?
Communication between human beings is an act of creativity and a very complex thing, let alone talking about scientific research. You are supposed to find a common language – and understanding. You are told to envisage your audience, understand their needs and expectations but also consider their values and the things they care for. You are expected to speak their language without losing yours. And: We all need to re-gain the ability to listen – something that rarely seems to get enough attention.
In this workshop we will trigger your creativity and your ability to communicate by using elements of Improvisation Theater. The aim is to cross the boundaries of daily routine, create novel synapses in your brain and thus allow for ideas and refreshing energy.
You do not need any experience in Improvisation Theater but you should be ready to talk about things you are passionate about (because they are the most comfortable to talk about), exchange knowledge and participate actively.
The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.
Presentation type: Workshop
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Teaching science communication