Investigation on research themes and the development trend of science communication through literature research on all published papers in PCST conference from 1989 to 2016

Author: Xi Cheng – Soochow University,Suzhou, China

Qiao Pan – University of Science and Technology of China
Liangyan Pan – University of Science and Technology of China
Shukun Tang – University of Science and Technology of China
Yiqing Wang – University of Science and Technology of China

PCST is the largest and most important conference in science communication around the world.  It is a great honour that our research group at CRISP has undertaken the task of creating the PCST Archive, so that papers and abstracts from earlier PCST Conferences are now available online at the PCST website.  This task included collecting all available papers of PCST conferences, classifying theme words and analysing their contents.

This paper announces the result of our analysis of past papers.  It discusses our findings on the main themes, popular interests of research, its features, the trends shown by content analysis of all available PCST papers from 1989 to 2016 and the list of theme words.

We will discuss the main trends and development of research in whole field of science communication. We will compare regional characteristics of science communication research in 6 counties (3 developed countries, 3 developing countries) through analysis of research interests and its development.

The specific content is:

  1. a classification of the main research themes to explore the focuses of all papers, and extending to the whole field of science communication.  We will explain the reasons why these research interests lead to a concentration of science communication.
  2. from a diachronic viewpoint, we will explore the way research interests have developed and evolved through time, doing a comparative exploration of each conference, and expanding this to the whole field of science communication.
  3. we will compare the top 10 research themes from the 6 selected countries, and the trends of development over all PCST conferences.   6 represented countries will be choose to make national comparison on top 10 research themes from published papers and its’ development trend in all PCST conferences.  We will show the different reasons and characteristics between these countries to access to national features on science communication.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Individual paper
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Comparing science communication across cultures