Making PCST conferences as inclusive and diverse as possible

Making PCST conferences as inclusive and diverse as possible

Author: Liesbeth de Bakker – Utrecht University, Netherlands, Netherlands


  • Sook-kyoung Cho – Gwangju National Science Museum, Gwangju, South Korea
  • Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan – Freelance Science Journalist and Science Communicator, Egypt
  • Karina Omuro Lupetti – Project Olhares, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil
  • Esha Shah – Water Management Resources, Wageningen University, Netherlands
  • Kim Waddilove – Communications Officer SANTHE, Durban, South Africa

NB: Jenni Metcalfe’s message of 9 Jan: I am happy to make this session a formal part of the programme. We can discuss specifically how it is run later. (as a demonstration session / round table or unconference session)

Currently, inclusion and diversity, also referred to as equity in academic literature, are hot topics, be it in terms of social inclusion, accessibility of education, or gender equality. So it stands to reason, as organizers of the next PCST conference in Rotterdam in 2022, that we have inclusion and diversity high on the agenda. It is therefore promoted by a special team, consisting of Anne Dijkstra, University of Twente; Pedro Russo, University of Leiden; Cees Leeuwis, Wageningen University; and Liesbeth de Bakker, Utrecht University. In Aberdeen we would like to devote an online session to new ways of promoting equity in our own PCST conferences. And we are asking for the conference visitors’ help, especially those under-represented groups in our PCST family, such as the socio-culturally marginal voices from both global south and north, science journalists, policy makers, and/or certain groups of scholars. We are hoping the virtual nature of Aberdeen will already bring many new ideas to the table.

To kick-start this process, the session will start with five inspirational short pitches by five knowledgeable representatives from areas of the world or fields of professions that are not (so) well represented in the PCST community. They will share their ideas and expertise and finish with a question. After that, we will split into break out rooms with interested participants. In a plenary 25 minute wrap up, all new ideas will be presented. Let’s transform our PCST conferences of the future into more inclusive and diverse gatherings!

Presentation type: Demonstration
Theme: Transformation


The Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST Network) is an organisation that promotes discussion on the theory and practice of communicating science, and of public discourses about science and technology and their role in society.


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