Reframing climate change – A deliberative approach to public engagement with science

Reframing climate change – A deliberative approach to public engagement with science

Author: Gwendolyn Blue – University of Calgary, Canada

Climate change has many different meanings, causes and solutions for different people in different places. Most existing approaches to formalized public engagement with climate change, however, draw on limited ways of understanding the issue. While citizens might be invited to explore their values and perspectives, scientific experts are often left to define the problem and implicitly propose the range of solutions. Using deliberative framing as a guiding principle, this workshop offers an alternative way of learning, talking and engaging with climate change. Drawing on pluralistic approaches from the interpretive social sciences and humanities, the intent is to open up rather than close down possible avenues for social change. This workshop helps participants examine and decide among different visions of how present and future worlds can look. The goal is to assist participants in becoming more aware of the ways in which existing assumptions, values and frames influence communication, engagement and action.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Workshop
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Applying science communication research to practice


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