Research and the arts – Allegra Lab Helsinki

Research and the arts – Allegra Lab Helsinki

Author: Milla Karvonen – Allegra Lab Helsinki; University of Oulu, Finland

Allegra Lab Helsinki is a Finnish nonprofit association (founded 2013) focusing on finding new ways of communicating research to various audiences. Project highlights include for example electronic music festival organised in Helsinki suburbs in context of an urban research project, festival discussing mental normality and abnormality in various ways including live action role playing and sound art in addition to scientific talks and panels, and an evening for climate change topics from talks to music and visual arts.

This talk presents a selection of science communication projects and ideas by Allegra Lab Helsinki, from the more conventional to the wildest ones, from the past four years.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Show, tell and talk
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices


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