Research on the influential factors for science popularization capability in the enterprise

Research on the influential factors for science popularization capability in the enterprise

Author: Li He – China Research Institute for Science Popularization, China

Science popularization capability construction in the enterprise is a very important topic in scientific communication practice in China. It is a important force for enterprise to communicate science culture. In the era of rapid development of science and technology, every one daily life are inseparable from enterprise products, so the science popularization of enterprise is closely related to people. What is main influential factor for science popularization capability in the enterprise? This paper pay attention to it. Questionnaire and interview method used in paper. There are many influence factors to affect enterprise science popularization capability, the writer design Statistical indicator system of enterprise science popularization in questionnaire, ten indicators used. In order to facilitate the analysis, Divide 10 indicators into 4 categories. This paper will be divided into the four factors that the influen enterprise science popularization capability, which are the following: science popularization attributes, environmental and working style factors, enterprise resource factors and incentive factors. The four influence factors are represented by ten indicators. This paper utilizes the data from the questionnaire survey along with the mean analysis in order to comprehensively analyze the four kinds of factors which influence the development of science popularization capability. The analysis evidences that these four factors are important to the construction of enterprise science popularization capability. The incentive factors are the first influential factors for the science popularization capability of the enterprise. This paper also discusses the influencing factors of science popularization the capability in state-owned enterprise, private enterprises and foreign enterprises and draw relevant conclusions.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual talk
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices


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