Science Busking as a tool to transform public spaces

Science Busking as a tool to transform public spaces

Author: Zhi Han Lim – National University of Singapore, Singapore


  • Robert Zi Zhao Lieu – National University of Singapore, Singapore

Busking is the act of performing in public spaces. It is one of the oldest forms of public entertainment widely found in various cultures. As opposed to theatrical performances, audiences of busking are usually transient passerby who stopped in their tracks because they are attracted to the lively display. In converting a mundane everyday commute into a delightful experience, buskers and their performances leave deep and lasting impressions.

We adopted the idea of busking and developed it into a unique form of public engagement in science, to be conducted by our students of the National University of Singapore (NUS) – Australian National University (ANU) Joint Master of Science in Science Communication programme. We believe that Science Busking – a live performance of science demonstrations in public spaces, has the potential to transform people’s perception of science in a fun, spontaneous, informal and intimate environment.

Science busking has been carried out by our science communicators for three consecutive years at various locations with considerable success. In this conference, we hope to present our science busking experiences in the form of visual displays: poster, photographs, videos (if allowed) and live demonstrations (if allowed).

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual presentation
Theme: Transformation


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