Science communication and science communication research: A dialog in process
Author: Nemesio Chávez-Arrendondo – Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
- Sergio de Régules – UNAM, Mexico
- Ana María Sánchez Mora – UNAM, Mexico
- Martha Tappan – Universidad Anà¡huac del Sur, Mexico
This presentation analyzes the distance between research and practice.
In 2008 Steve Miller asserts that research examining the nexus between science communicators and science communication research is very scant indeed, suggesting there is very likely mutual misunderstanding between practitioners and researchers. Why science communicators do not read science communication research?
What science communicators need to hear from research? A fair, fully-dressed answer would look something like this: In full cognizance of the diversity and complexity of the science communication field, science communicators need to hear analyses of real practice informed not so much by opposing visions, but rather of such visions existing on a continuum.
This query in conjunction with the practitioner’s vision of science communication as a complex aesthetic endeavor may well be a signpost to guide new lines of science communication research grounded in authentic practice that is at once rich, challenging and aware of its broad freedom of action. The practice of science communication should be treated as an independent academic subject, with its own investigation program, different from the traditional topics and disciplinary perspectives of research.
We agree change the format from paper to a visual presentation following the comments from reviewers about making solid recommendations based on our practice and theoretical perspective. We expect the specific guidelines for visual presentations.
The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.
Presentation type: Visual presentation
Theme: Transformation