Science communication research: Results from an empirical field analysis

Science communication research: Results from an empirical field analysis

Author: Alexander Gerber – Rhine-Waal University | Institute for Science & Innovation Communication, Germany

Just like other research fields coming of age, science communication is increasingly asking itself which patterns have characterised its development, which topics and methodologies were particularly often used, and what this can tell us about the strengths and weaknesses of the research field. An in-depth empirical analysis has explored exactly these questions. The results were published as a book in spring 2020, which also comprises reflections by the world’s leading science communication scholars about the field’s future needs and perspectives.

The study triangulates a bibliometric and content analysis of approx. 3,000 journal papers with a multi-stage panel study and a review of grey literature spanning four decades. Quantitative findings from the journal analysis (e.g. about disciplinary contexts or topics, research methods, data analysis techniques used) were discussed in a multi-stage series of qualitative interviews.

This paper will especially explore one of the key findings of the study, namely that research and practice do not take sufficient notice of each other’s priorities, challenges and solutions.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Individual paper
Theme: Transformation


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