Science in Brazilian and Canadian Pubs Public Communication of Science Initiatives at Pint of Science in Brazil (Uberlandia) and Canada (Ottawa).

Author: Adriana Santos – Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil


  • Antonio Carlos Santos – Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
  • Mirna Tonus – Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil

The text, which brings partial results from postdoctoral research, discusses the public communication of science, with emphasis on science dissemination initiatives and its interaction with academic production. Therefore, it studies the public communication of science (PCS) and the fact that the ideal model of PCS goes beyond the dissemination process, seeking an interaction of the public with the process of knowledge construction, as it develops an understanding of reality and daily problems in the most various social sectors. The study uses the dissemination of science in society by the Pint of Science event. Pint of Science is an international event aimed at interesting, entertaining and relevant debates about the latest scientific research in a public and accessible format. It was first organized in 2013 in England and spread to different countries. In 2018 it occurred in 400 cities around the world, and in that year, in Brazil, it occurred in 56 cities, involving various educational and research institutions, including the Federal University of Uberlândia, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. In Canada, the event took place in 15 cities and involved several institutions, including the University of Ottawa, the country’s capital. Therefore, it is an entrepreneurial event of scientific dissemination, which grows more and more, with activities aimed at bringing the production of academic knowledge closer to the social reality of the places/countries where it takes place, contributing to the national culture and integration among students, teachers, researchers and the community at large. Through the results disclosed by images, we will show that in both Brazil and Canada, in the analyzed editions of the event, the presentation forms resemble classes, without any engagement, and the public is still very restricted to other researchers and students and not necessarily to society in general.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual presentation
Theme: Time


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