Square Kilometre Array South Africa understanding San cosmology

Square Kilometre Array South Africa understanding San cosmology

Author: Anton Binneman – Square Kilometre Array, South Africa

SKA South Africa has signed an MOU with the South African San Council. This council represents the first peoples of South Africa and one of the oldest cultures in the world. The San peoples early ancestors walked the land where the SKA will be hosted but was driven from the land by white settlers in the 1800’s. In this talk the MOU with the San council, the San peoples understanding of cosmology and their support of the SKA project will be profiled. This talk will highlight comparisons between the Indigenous knowledge systems of the San Peoples with modern Astronomy and some of the lessons learnt through the process implementing activities with the San Peoples. The presentation will make use of art, stories and artefacts sourced form local San tribes.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Show, tell and talk
Theme: Stories
Area of interest: Building a theoretical basis for science communication


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