The challenges of establishing a national citizen science association
Author: Joseph Roche – Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Nicola Davis – Trinity College Dublin
This talk will focus on efforts to establish a national citizen science association in Ireland. Ireland has a small but growing number of people working in citizen science, from dedicated research teams to local schools and community groups. The establishment of a national citizen science association would help researchers and research organisations in Ireland to participate in international research collaborations on citizen science projects. The association will take the form of a non-profit organisation similar to national citizen science associations that have recently been established in other European countries and will be modelled on the European Citizen Science Association. Embedding the association in a research environment at a university ensures that research is a fundamental part of the association’s activities while also helping the association to avail of the services and resources of the university. The association will be a hub for citizen science researchers to launch research projects, prepare funding proposals and influence policy through science communication. Feedback from the audience will be welcomed to help shape the development of this work.
The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.
Presentation type: Idea in progress
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Influencing policies through science communication