The communication of science and technology as a tool for social inclusion: Analysis of cases in indigenous communities in Mexico
Author: Carlos Garcia – UNAM, Mexico
Science and technology are public goods that can and should be used to increase the social well-being of people; and to resolve economic, social, cultural, environmental and resource-preservation problems in regional, national and global issues. This paper will describe the development and implementation of a model of intercultural communication of Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI), in culturally diverse contexts, specifically in indigenous communities of Oaxaca and Michoacán, Mexico, which aims to promote equal knowledge and multicultural learning by establishing more just social relations between the different communities of the country’s societies and the nation as a whole, especially the indigenous communities. The recognition and progressive development of these principles and, in general, of specific cultures depends on the ability to dialogue and learn from other cultures and knowledge (Velasco, 2006). It also proposes that knowledge is generated through social networks of innovation, which includes: a) mechanisms to ensure that knowledge is socially used to meet demands critically analyzed by the different groups involved and by means acceptable from the point of view of those who are will benefit; and b) mechanisms and procedures to ensure the participation of those with problems, from conceptualization and formulation to their solution (Olivé, 2008).
In this way, the paper is structured in three parts. In the first, an analysis of communication models of science and technology is carried out. The second part describes the epistemic and methodological approaches of the proposal of an intercultural communication model of science and technology. And finally in the third part, the case analyzes are presented in the indigenous communities in Mexico.
The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.
Presentation type: Individual paper
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Applying science communication research to practice