The Floor is to the Stakeholders
Author: Fred Balvert – Erasmus MC, Netherlands
Traditionally, a scientific conference is a very specialized event where scientists on one, or on several closely related, fields gather to share and discuss their research. This specialist character typically makes a conference rather inaccessible for other audiences. Could such a focused event also facilitate the involvement and dialogue with societal stakeholders?
There are examples of medical conferences which feature programs for stakeholders, such as patients, companies, policymakers, students and the general audience. According to RRI principles, generally speaking, the involvement of these stakeholders should improve societal and ethical qualities of the research agenda and practice and the uptake of research results by valorization. It should also contribute to public support for research and to the attraciveness of science as a career path for young generations.
This session explores the practice of involving non-specialist stakeholders in scientific conferences. Starting from a case study, the sessions asks the questions why the organizers of conferences accommodate programs for stakeholders, which form such programs could take, and what the results of participation of stakeholders in conferences could be.
The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.
Presentation type: Idea in progress
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices