The investigation and analysis of scientists’ engagement in popular science writing in China

The investigation and analysis of scientists’ engagement in popular science writing in China

Author: Honglin LI – China Research Institute for Science Popularization, China

Co-author: Ling Chen

Promoting the combination of scientific research and science popularization, encouraging and guiding scientists to participate in science popularization, especially in popular science writing is one of the initiatives in the field of science communication in China. Based on questionnaire survey and panel interviews, this research tries to know the current situation of scientists’ engagement in popular science writing, their problems and requirements. According to the investigation, Chinese scientists widely believe that it is their responsibility to participate in popular science writing and they show strong willingness to that. However, they don’t engage in popular science writing accordingly actively, and even if involved in it, the form is quite traditional. Interest and social responsibility play as the main motivation for them to participate in popular science writing. The lack of time and energy, imperfect assessment and incentive mechanism are the main obstacles. And on the demand side, the scientists expect a better policy environment and incentives and corresponding training and services. Based on the above research, this paper puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions to promote scientists to participate in popular science writing.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Individual paper
Theme: Science
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices


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