The use of narratives (photo-comic) as a means to communicate information about use, treatment and conservation of water in Mexico.
Author: Aquiles Negrete – UNAM, Mexico, Mexico
Claudia Cecilia Lartigue – Ingenieràa-UNAM
My research is oriented to explore the characteristics that a narrative text for science communication should observe. As I mentioned in previous work, from my perspective science communication via narratives has to follow a series of rules similarly as it happens in other narrative genera such as thrillers, horror, historic novel, comedy, etc. In this sense, “SciCom Narratives” could be considered as a new narrative genera with own characteristics and rules. Therefore, it is important to generate more knowledge that enables us to provide a solid theoretical body around narratives for science communication.
In this research we propose that photo-comics narratives represent an opportunity to communicate scientific information to the general public in a reliable and economic way. We used these narratives to communicate to the academic comunity at Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) information about efficient water management activities and also to promote PUMAGUA, the Program of the UNAM in charge of water management at the University. Using the Retell, Identify, Remember and Contextualize information (RIRC) method (a method that uses memory tasks to assess learning) we tested the efficiency of this kind of illustrated narratives to communicate scientific information. We found statistical evidence that participants acquired information regarding water use using this media.
The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.
Presentation type: Individual paper
Theme: Stories
Area of interest: Applying science communication research to practice