21 May 2024
The Public Communication of Science and Technology Network is pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals for the PCST Conference in Aberdeen, Scotland 27-29 May 2025 is now live. The conference theme is ‘Science communication for positive change: exploring transitions, traditions, and tensions’.
This will be the 18th PCST conference and the first one held in the UK.
PCST Conferences bring together science communication researchers and science communication practitioners from around the world to share research, reflections on practice, and practical workshops and demonstrations. They are the largest gathering of the PCST community and take place every two years.
The conferences are open to all who have a professional or personal interest in science communication, as practitioners, educators, researchers, or in any combination of these roles.
We encourage people to submit their proposals ahead of the deadline which is 7 September 2024.
All contributions will be reviewed and those selected will be scheduled within the conference programme. 26 May will be reserved for pre-conference workshops and you can find information about that within the call.
For further information about the conference and to sign up for updates, please visit the conference website.