Author: Sandra Murriello – National University of Río Negro, Argentina

Máximo Farro – Museo de La Plata, UNLP
Marisa Malvestitti – IIDYPCA, UNRN
Anahí­ Mariluán – IIDYPCA,UNRN

Patagonia, the southern region of Argentina and Chile, is the ancestral territory for several indigenous communities nearly lead to extinction in the last centuries. As a consequence, many of their languages almost disappeared and were replaced by Spanish tongue for communication purposes. In some cases, we only have as historical records written vocabularies -many of them never published- documented in their territories by colonial agents such as explorers, missionaries and state officials. Besides, in Argentinian museums and current exhibitions on indigenous people, their languages are rarely mentioned so nowadays they almost remain unknown for the occidental society. Nevertheless, the surviving indigenous communities, i.e. the Mapuches, still speak their original language, the Mapuzungun, and are trying to revitalize and refunctionalize it, a process also observable in other smaller speech communities of Tehuelche, Selk’nam or Qawesqar.

As part of a research programme lead by linguists, anthropologists, historians, musicians and science communicators, we are planning a travelling exhibition about these communities’ languages, in order to display their structures, sounds, meanings and relations, set up in a collaborative way. The aim of the exhibition is to make visible the process of documentation and communication of these languages in the foundational period of Argentina and Chile as nation-states, when the agents mentioned above played a central role, as well as some indigenous mediators and translators who helped them to record the languages. One of the project’s goals is to take this exhibition through the Patagonian museums, universities and cultural centres. In this communication, we describe our idea and present some records in order to discuss the strategies to communicate indigenous languages in a museum exhibition context and share the experiences that other colleagues and institutions may have.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Idea in progress
Theme: Science
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices

Author: Sandra Murriello – National University of Río Negro, Argentina

Marí­a Elena Apa – CITECDE;UNRN
Bárbara Erak – CITECDE,UNRN
Mariano Núñez Freire – CITECDE,UNRN
Liliana Pierucci – CITECDE,UNRN
Carolina Salazar Marin – CITECDE,UNRN

Andean Patagonia, a tourist destination in Argentina and Chile, is a region with an important volcanic and seismic activity but the public policy about disasters prevention is weak as it was evidenced by the consequences of the last volcanic eruptions (Chaitén,2008; Puyehue, 2011; Calbuco, 2015). Besides, the consequences of these events, and the previous, are not well referenced in official regional history and they are also completely absent in the touristic information. In spite of this, people who lived seismic and/or volcanic events remember the facts with detail and have their own stories about the moment and its consequences. As we believe that this information is useful to prevent future disasters or to know what to do in an emergence situation, we are working on recovering experiences, memories and records by different strategies (inquiries, interviews, artistic interventions, etc.). These stories, in words, in pictures or in videos, are being posted in a virtual repository with free access that operates as a space of collective memory about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in this region ( It is necessary to say that there is no previous research about this topic in our country and that there is no other digital site to disseminate these vital experiences. This presentation aims to discuss the relevance of this kind of communication strategies (virtual spaces) to share different stories and visions about catastrophic events and its potential role in prevention.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Show, tell and talk
Theme: Stories
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices