Landing on reality though a future scenario – A case on responsible research

Landing on reality though a future scenario – A case on responsible research

Author: Nuria Saladie – Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

Carolina Llorente – Pompeu Fabra University
Gema Revuelta – Pompeu Fabra University Spain

In this workshop, we will share with participants the methodology used in the HEIRRI project (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) for teaching Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This project aims at creating training programmes and materials to teach university students, from all levels (undergraduate, PhD, master degree, summer school, MOOC), how to apply an RRI perspective into their research. The methodologies used in HEIRRI are centred in the participant, and promote critical thinking, reflection and multidisciplinary working. The session will start with the screening of a video about a future scenario, the purpose of which is to make participants think and wonder about R+D+I in terms of “whys” and “hows” . From then on, participants will take the lead and suggest related research projects, always under an RRI approach. Workshops organisers will help participants to include an RRI perspective to the various research project proposals. The last part of the session will be a moderated debate on the ideas born during the session.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Workshop
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Teaching science communication


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