Training on RRI – Experiences on responsibility

Training on RRI – Experiences on responsibility

Author: Nuria Saladie – Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

Alexander Gerber – Rhine-Waal University
Frank Kupper – Athena Institute Vrije University
Steve Miller – University College London
Gema Revuelta – Pompeu Fabra University Spain

Curator: Gema Revuelta, director of the Science, Communication and Society Studies Centre from Pompeu Fabra University and Coordinator of the European project HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation)

Panellists: Steve Miller, University College London; Alexander Gerber, Rhine-Waal University; Frank Kupper, Athena Institute – VU University; Núria Saladié, Pompeu Fabra University.

While Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has been promoted from top-down and bottom-up impulses, the need for strong and high-quality training on the holistic meaning of RRI and how to put it into practice has become, more than ever, a necessity. This panel will talk about different European initiatives on RRI training, and a recent study by Rhine-Waal that compares European RRI policies and practices with those in Africa and Asia. Furthermore, the panelists will share their personal experiences with offering courses on RRI at university level, in order to explain the opportunities and challenges of these RRI trainings, both institutionally and regarding the participants’ attitude. The definition of RRI is still under construction, so putting in common the different approaches that experts on the field have experienced will surely be an enriching exercise.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Roundtable discussion
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Teaching science communication


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