Science museum not yet, but 10 years communicating sciences in the same sense

Science museum not yet, but 10 years communicating sciences in the same sense

Author: Maria Lujan Castro – UNICEN, Argentina


Science museums are a means of communicating sciences to a wide audience, particularly interactive science museums have recently acquired a strong role in this regard. In our city, Tandil, a medium city in the interior of the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, does not have one of these yet, but a group of enthusiastic UNICEN teachers, researchers and students have been carrying out actions under the same premises of these for almost 10 years. Started in 2008, without having a stable physical place, the interactive and itinerant science fair Divertite Experimentando develops multiple actions in order to bring science in an entertaining, mild and challenging way to the citizens of city and the region. In particular, their temporary presentations are positively received by members of the educational community: students who are pleasantly surprised by encouraging their desire to investigate and learn about the phenomena of nature and how science studies them, and teachers who also find alternative means for the treatment of scientific subjects in the classroom. In this work we want to share the task and experience gathered from ten years of work carrying out Divertite Experimentando and the impact that it has had in the community.

Presentation type: Visual talk
Theme: Stories
Area of interest: Applying science communication research to practice


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