The search for effective methods of engaging Pacific Ocean nations for coral reef conservation

The search for effective methods of engaging Pacific Ocean nations for coral reef conservation

Author: Akiko Hamada-Ano – Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Samoa

Tiffany Straza
Elizabeth Vanderburg

Pacific Ocean Nations are being negatively impacted by the degradation of coral reefs across the globe. 2018 marks the Third International Year of the Reefs. In the Pacific region, a major goal of the campaign will be to engage Pacific Ocean Nations in building upon existing coral reef conservation actions in support of the regional and global targets.

An initial baseline will be established through the assessment of communication products developed in the past two campaigns (1997 and 2008) to create a communication plan that ensures Pacific voices are effectively used in engaging and promoting the goals of the Third International Year of the Reefs. How does one do this with limited resources, across many nations, with multiple languages, traditions and cultures?

The presentation will be a reflection on the process of how the baseline study was conducted and what outcomes were identified leading to the development of an effective communication product.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Grouped paper
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Building a theoretical basis for science communication