Uses of public communication in the scientific culture of Brazil and Canada – A comparative study between The Federal University of Uberlandia and The University of Ottawa

Author: Adriana Santos – Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil,

Mirna Tonus – Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

The article has a proposal is to conduct a comparative study of scientific culture in Brazil and Canada, observing the uses of Science, Public Communication, and technology transference (innovation) at the University of Ottawa and Federal University of Uberlandia, aiming at approaching the interrelation between academic production and its media popularization to make science popular. Such proposal is based on the conception that universities and research institutes develop a significant quantity of scientific production, but no data shows if these productions overcome the universities borders, particularly through media and diverse actions of popular science. The problematic that supports the proposal is the fact that the institutions must have their communicational proposal in conformity with the public interest and also with the guidelines of Public Communication. In addition, it is specifically important for popular science and technology transference to be focused on science popularization. The study considers that the concept of Public Communication of Science (PCS) is little discussed among researchers and professionals in the field of communication. It understands that PCS must go beyond the process of scientific dissemination and be understood as an area of communication focused on the wide dissemination of science, technology, innovation and scientific knowledge in order to popularize knowledge and bring science closer to the citizen. The initial results indicate that the efforts of most institutions are limited to the simple use of specialized / scientific journalism as an unique feature to promote access and enable the right to information on science and technology.

Presentation type: Idea in progress
Theme: Science
Area of interest: Comparing science communication across cultures


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