Who tells the science stories in Spain? – Survey among the members of associations of science communicators

Author: Carolina Moreno-Castro – University of Valencia, Spain

Tony Calvo Roy – Spanish Association of Science Communication
Pampa Garcí­a Molina – Spanish Association of Science Communication
Belén Laspra – University of Michigan
Pilar Perla Mateo – Heraldo de Aragón Newspaper
Gonzalo Remiro Ródenas – Spanish Association of Science Communication
Natalia Ruí­z Zelmanovitch – Spanish Association of Science Communication

Objective: In order to better understand the profession of science communicator in Spain, the Spanish Association of Science Communication, together with the Association of Journalists of Environmental Information (APIA), the National Association of Health Journalists (ANIS), the Catalan Association of Science Communication (ACCC); and the Galician association DivulgACCIÓN have conducted a survey among all their members.

Methodology: The online study was carried out during the month of May 2017. The questionnaire had 29 questions about the professional activity of science communicators in Spain. The survey was sent to a universe of 1,489 associates, and it was answered by 317 (self-selected sample).

Results: Among the main results of the survey, we can highlight that: more than half of the science communicators (56%) live in two autonomous communities: Catalonia (29%) and Madrid (26.8%). Added to those living in Galicia (19.6%), they represent 75%. Three quarters of all the science communicators in Spain develop their professional activity in these three autonomous regions. When we look at gender division, 55% are men and 45%, women. The average age of all respondents is 44 years. The 46.88%, are men, and 40.57%, women.

In terms of academic training, 29.7% are graduates; 33.4% are postgraduates; and 29.7% are doctors. The 41% of the respondents have studied a degree in mathematics, physics, chemistry or biology; 27%, journalism or communication; and the main areas in which they develop their profession are: journalism (33.60%), digital communication (30.20%) and organization of outreach activities (22.10%).

Conclusions: The profile of the science communicator in Spain is a male in his 40s, living in Barcelona, who has studied a scientific career, and works as a science journalist.

Presentation type: Visual talk
Theme: Stories
Area of interest: Comparing science communication across cultures


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