PCST2023 plenary sessions now available

9 May 2023

To all those who attended PCST2023 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, we hope you expanded your knowledge and your network during the variety of sessions organised from 12 to 14 April 2023 (with the pre-conference day on 11 April).

The conference was a huge success, and brought together more than 700 delegates from all over the globe to explore the theme ‘Creating Common Ground’. See our photo gallery

PCST2023 also provided the opportunity to celebrate being face-to-face after five years, PCST’s 34-year history, and achieving a record 800+ active members.

The onsite programme featured a wide range of individual talks and workshops from science communication practitioners and scholars, with content responding to cutting-edge trends and challenges in our field.

The PCST2023 plenary sessions are now available to watch on our PCST2023 playlist.

In addition, an online programme was held prior to the onsite conference from 3 to 5 April 2023. The recorded sessions are available on our PCST2023 Online playlist.

The next conference will be held in Aberdeen, Scotland from 27 – 29 May 2025.

If you’re not yet a member, I would urge you to join the voices of our growing community.


The Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST Network) is an organisation that promotes discussion on the theory and practice of communicating science, and of public discourses about science and technology and their role in society.

Email: admin@pcst.network
Web: www.pcst.network

Incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Registered number AO5352.

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PCST is the an active and influential international academic and professional organisation in the field of science communication.

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Our email discussion list is free for everyone to join and has an international audience of over 2000 subscribers.

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PCST Network has co-operation agreements with the following international organisations:

European Science Engagement Association

International Environmental Communication Association

Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularisation of Science and Technology