9 October 2018
Germana Barata, a member of the PCST scientific committee, reports on a new science communication journal launched in Beijing during the Science & You conference in September 2018.
Science communicators have a new journal. The open access journal Cultures of Science, an initiative of the National Academy of Innovation Strategy of the China Association for Science and Technology, was launched in Beijing during the Science & You conference on 15 September 2018.
The new journal will accept papers in English with no APC (article processing charge). Four issues will be published per year. Rather than inviting papers through an open call, the guest editors will invite outstanding authors to contribute to special issues as a way to empower this new publication in the first two years.
According to the coeditor-in-chief Bernard Schiele, from the University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada, the journal wants to give a voice to Chinese scholars and researchers who “regardless of their scientific reputation in China have difficulty getting a foot in the door internationally and therefore contributing to the ongoing debates”.
The journal is open to different voices with a strong multidisciplinary approach and will include contributions from cultural studies, science communication, the history and philosophy of science, and all intersections between culture and science.
“The journal aims at building a community of scholars who are expecting to carry out international, inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural communication”, said Schiele and Hui Luo, from the China Association for Science and Technology and first invited editor, in the editorial.
The first issue includes five papers from three countries and can be fully accessed at: http://cos.cnais.org.cn/html/index.html
ISSN: 2096-6083