Author: Franziska Thiele – University of Rostock, Germany

Corinna Líthje – University of Rostock

Although the email is an essential part of scholarly communication, it has gained little attention in scholarly communication research. Studies on organizational practice found that emails can be a distraction and contribute to a feeling of overload and stress (Barley et. al., 2011; Boswell & Olson-Buchanan, 2007; Chelsey, 2005; Mark et al., 2012). This paper wants to investigate, if the research findings from organizational labour can be expanded to the context of academic labour and identify if different academic status groups apply different coping strategies.

As its theoretical framework this work makes recourse to the field theory of Bourdieu (1992) and the mediatization approach by Krotz (2007), which says that technological media change influences human communication, interaction and social as well as cultural reality.

To answer the research questions 54 German scientists from different disciplines and academic status groups were interviewed in qualitative interviews.

Across disciplines the email was the most commonly used tool in mediated communication. It accelerated and facilitated international co-operations and helped to organize and structure work. The amount of emails as well as the time spend on them rose with the status of the interviewed person and contributed to a feeling of overload and stress, which was enhanced by using mobile media. But the structural power coming with a professor’s status gave them more possibilities to reduce email-induced stress (e.g. by outsourcing email-related tasks to secretaries) than post-docs had: “I have an office and they are always inside [my email] […] otherwise I would choke, I could not process them” (8044, professor).

The results show that the findings from organizational research can be expanded to academic labour. Though the email is of great relevance for scientific communication, it is also a disruptive factor and becomes more problematic with rising media mobility and rising status.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Individual paper
Theme: Science
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices

Author: Franziska Thiele – University of Rostock, Germany

Corinna Líthje – University of Rostock

The academic social networking sites (ASNS) ResearchGate and Academia are gaining more and more popularity among researchers (Van Noorden, 2014). They offer the opportunity to easily upload and access publications as well as for academic self-marketing. They have the potential to significantly change scientific communication. But why do researchers actually use ASNS?

Though the number of studies on ResearchGate and Academia is increasing, those identifying reasons for using ASNS (like sharing publications, increasing citations or contact colleagues) mostly apply a quantitative approach (Meishar-Tal & Pieterse, 2017; Muscanell & Utz, 2017; Van Noorden, 2014). This study wants to add to the findings from a qualitative perspective. It identifies reasons for researchers to (not) use the two platforms with the uses and gratification approach by Katz et al. (1973) as its theoretical basis. To identify the reasons 54 German scientists from different status groups and disciplines were interviewed in qualitative interviews in 2016-2017.

28 of the participants had ASNS accounts: 17 used ResearchGate and three exclusively, while nine had accounts in both networks. Most interviewees reported to make little use of the platforms. If they did, it was to access and share publications, network, increase their visibility and learn more about the impact of their publications. Doctoral students rather followed interesting people and accessed publications, while postdocs and professors shared them and tried to increase their visibility. With the impact factor of a publication or comments left by others researchers quickly get feedback on their research, they would otherwise not receive. ASNS furthermore enhance self-marketing and networking opportunities and seem to gain importance as scientific communication tools.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual talk
Theme: Science
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices