Author: Tangyao Zhang – The Australian National University, Australia

Food security has gained much attention as one of the most significant issues in China in the 21st century. In order to make China’s food supply more secure, genetic modification technologies were have been raised as a potential solution. According to peer-reviewed scientific research, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), especially those approved by government agencies (e.g. FDA), are likely safe for human daily consuming. However, there is considerable public disquiet about the safety of GMOs in China. The opposition can be found in multiple sources including mainstream media, governmental documents (e.g. import restriction), research publications, social media, and person-to-person communications.

Currently, I am investigating stakeholders and communication mechanisms of GMO in China as my postgraduate research project, and a part of my research results indicate an inverse correlation between frequency and intensity of government-oriented GMO communication activities and the government’s decision making processes on scientific policy. This result suggests a new research question which will examine roles of government-oriented scientific research and communication, and some government credibility theories* could be introduced to build a conceptual framework to elucidate this phenomenon in China. *George Chryssochoidis, Anna Strada & Athanasios Krystallis (2009) Public trust in institutions and information sources regarding risk management and communication: towards integrating extant knowledge, Journal of Risk Research, 12:2, 137-185

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Idea in progress
Theme: Society
Area of interest: Building a theoretical basis for science communication

Author: Tangyao Zhang – The Australian National University, Australia

Inspiring future science students is one of the missions of science communication. On one hand, established science marketing and communication practical strategies are vital for universities to recruit students who will study science at tertiary level. On the other hand, science communication is a fast-growing discipline which is creating more and more career opportunities in the education industry. Therefore, it is important to investigate science communication practice for tertiary student recruitment.

In this talk, I would like to introduce and elucidate my stories and experiences in communicating science for student recruitment purposes as a staff member of the ANU Joint Colleges of Science. These experiences include video storytelling strategies, social media management as well as a comparison of livestream videos with conventional short videos on social media platforms. In addition, I would like to point out some complicated and critical issues we are facing in practice, such as communicating science in indigenous and multicultural contexts.\

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Speakers’ corner
Theme: Stories
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices