Assessment on performance of science popularization resources in China

Assessment on performance of science popularization resources in China

Author: Guangbin Liu – Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology (BIPT), China

Xuan Liu – China Association for Science and Technology,CAST
Fujun Ren – China Association for Science and Technology, CAST

Science popularization resources refer to the various forms of venues, facilities, content, publications and other material resources that can be used in popular science activities. From the perspective of per capita coverage, China is relatively lack of science popularization resources. Since that, how to maximize the output from the limited science popularization resources has been attached more importance and attracted attentions from more researchers in China. In this paper, on basis of the data from China Science Popularization Statistics from 2008 to 2015, the author assessed the performance of science popularization resources in terms of utilization rate across different regions in China. The analysis results showed that the overall performance of Chinese science popularization resources fluctuates continuously and has dropped gradually in recent years. The science popularization utilization is generally better in eastern coastal region than in western regions. As for the countermeasures, the eastern coastal regions should focus on explore the effectivness of existing science popularization resources, the central regions need pay more attention to maintain a stable performance of science popularization resources, and the western regions have to balance the reasonable allocation of science popularization resources to improve the coverage and performance.

The author has not yet submitted a copy of the full paper.

Presentation type: Visual talk
Theme: Science
Area of interest: Investigating science communication practices


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