PCST Stories: Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Simon Torok & Michel Claessens

22 February 2019

We invited people who have attended PCST conferences to tell us about the connections and collaborations that have grown from attending these conferences. These are some of the responses we have received.

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
My first PCST conference was in Barcelona 2004. I didn’t know the discipline existed and didn’t know a single soul at the conference – but immediately felt at home around people who cared, like me, about science in the public sphere. PCST was instrumental in introducing me into the world of science communication research, allowed me to meet mentors I could learn from, and enables me to bring science communication research to Israel.

Simon Torok, Director, Scientell Pty Ltd, Australia
I attended my first PCST conference in Melbourne in 1996, my first year working as a science communicator, and met people who have influenced my career ever since. I attended my second in Geneva in 2001, establishing ongoing friendships as well as connections that enabled a science-art collaboration resulting in a climate change exhibition at the Tate Modern gallery. My third, last year in Dunedin, introduced me to professional networks that have led to funded communication projects. So in four words: friendships, networks, advice, and work.

Michel Claessens, European Commission, Free University of Brussels
I can really say that the PCST network changed my career and even my life… for the better! I attended my first conference in Cape Town in 2002. After that, I got involved in a lot of projects and collaborations. I coedited and contributed to three books. I have now PCST colleagues and friends all over the world!

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology


The Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST Network) is an organisation that promotes discussion on the theory and practice of communicating science, and of public discourses about science and technology and their role in society.

Email: admin@pcst.network
Web: www.pcst.network

Incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Registered number AO5352.

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European Science Engagement Association

International Environmental Communication Association

Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularisation of Science and Technology