SciCommSci Club: Facilitating dialogue between research and practice in India

What does it take to run a SciCommSci Club? Siddharth Kankaria shares his experiences and lessons learned.

Meet Heather Doran, PCST committee member and the author of a new science communication newsletter.

PCST Network and the University of Aberdeen are delighted to confirm that the PCST conference will go ahead as planned on 24-27 May 2021, but as a fully virtual event called PCST2020+1.

Popular science writing course + Jobs and internships for science writers + Storytelling for scientists + 10 of the best science books coming out this month. A weekly newsletter produced by Marianna Limas.

The PCST Scientific Committee are looking for help and advice on developing and extending our web presence. Send us your comments and suggestions!

A weekly roundup of science communication compiled by Heather Doran.  News, events, projects, a diary and jobs.