Webinar: Introduction to PCST for students

Webinar date: 20 April 2021

This webinar introduces students of science communication to the world and words of science communication.

The webinar looks at questions that concern public communication of science and technology (PCST) as a set of concepts and practices, as national and international communities, and as a network that organises conferences.


  • Germana Barata, science communication lecturer and researcher, State University of Campinas, Brazil
  • Anne Dijkstra, science communication lecturer and researcher, University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • Heather Doran, Public Engagement Manager, Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science, University of Dundee, Scotland

Moderator: Brian Trench, PCST president


The Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST Network) is an organisation that promotes discussion on the theory and practice of communicating science, and of public discourses about science and technology and their role in society.

Email: admin@pcst.network
Web: www.pcst.network

Incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Registered number AO5352.

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PCST Network has co-operation agreements with the following international organisations:

European Science Engagement Association

International Environmental Communication Association

Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularisation of Science and Technology