Webinar: Teaching as a means for integrating scicomm research and practice

Webinar date: 14 September 2022

In the last few years, PCST (and many other fora) have increasingly acknowledged the need for developing better connections between research and practice in science communication. Specifically, increased interactions between both fields can help make science communication practice more evidence-based and effective, and help science communication research become more topical, reflexive and accessible.

Despite this increased recognition, methods of facilitating meaningful interactions between research and practice remain elusive. In this context, teaching, training and mentorship efforts can serve as an interesting platform for exploring the connections between science communication research and practice.

Developed as part of the PCST Teaching Forum, this webinar showed examples of how teaching environments can help broker expertise and experiences within the fields of research and practice, and help push the boundaries of effective science communication. The webinar invited SciComm practitioners and researchers engaged in teaching, training and pedagogy of SciComm to share their experiences and learnings from co-creating knowledge at the intersection of science communication research and practice.

Co-chaired by Siddharth Kankaria and Alice Fleerackers, this interactive session began with the speakers sharing their experiences/case studies and was followed by an interactive Q&A session between all six participants using a mix of pre-mediated prompts and audience questions.


  • Clare Wilkinson, UWE-Bristol, UK
  • Erik Stengler, SUNY, Oneonta, USA
  • Edith Escalón, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
  • Tobias Kreutzer, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany

Chair & Co-Chair

  • Siddharth Kankaria, NCBS Bangalore, India (Chair)
  • Alice Fleerackers, SFU, Canada (Co-Chair & PCST Scientific Committee Member)


The Network for the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST Network) is an organisation that promotes discussion on the theory and practice of communicating science, and of public discourses about science and technology and their role in society.

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