It is with pleasure that we share the Concluding Statement from the PCST Venice Symposium, held from 28-30 September 2023. The Statement is the result of the inputs which emerged from the Symposium working groups and discussions. Please share this document widely, especially with the governance of universities and research institutions.
PCST Venice Symposium shares Concluding Statement
Dr Sook-kyoung Cho was elected unopposed as PCST President at the first meeting of the new PCST Scientific Committee in May 2023. Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan was elected vice-president, Fabien Medvecky as secretary and Alexandra (Sacha) Borissova as treasurer.
PCST2023, held in Rotterdam from 11 to 14 April 2023, was a huge success, and brought together more than 700 delegates from all over the globe. You can now watch the plenary session recordings and look at a mini photo gallery.
The PCST Network hosted a PCST2023 Online series of sessions from 3 – 5 April 2023, prior to the conference in Rotterdam. The session recordings are now available for viewing.
The PCST Venice Symposium will be held from 28-30 September 2023. Early bird registration for the Symposium has been extended to 20 April 2023. The Programme is also now available.
5 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, the presenters explored connections between science communication, politics and social themes.
4 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, the presenters considered the roles and responsibilities, of audiences, science communication practitioners and science journalists.
4 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, presenters reflected on some specific science communication resources and reviewed the techniques used in the communication process.
4 April 2023: This PCST2023 Online session covered lessons learned from conferences, exhibitions and trans-disciplinary strategies to improve science engagement.
3 April 2023: This PCST2023 Online session explored how science communication and the dissemination of science communication plays out in different contexts, and what can be learnt from different strategies and viewpoints.
3 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, the IDEA Network held a Wiki workshop where they showed how to incorporate Wiki editing into public engagement practice.
3 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, presenters explored the places and platforms where science communication knowledge is acquired and how that ‘knowledge’ is presented and interpreted in turn.
3 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, presenters explored how important information is communicated to different audiences and how practices are adapted and developed to account for differences in perspectives.
14 March 2023: If you are preparing a talk and thinking about ways you can connect with your audience, then this webinar may be useful to watch.
7 March 2023: This webinar explores a diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) statement drafted for PCST 2023 as well as the public role for PCST in DEIA.
We invite financial members of the PCST to self-nominate for election to the Scientific Committee. To self-nominate, log in to the members area and complete the self-nomination form by 1 March 2023.